Dear Friend & Fellow Entrepreneur,
Congratulations on pursuing your
entrepreneurial spirit and your desire to build a thriving Non-Emergency
Medical Transportation (NEMT) business.
very excited to share with you my video Series, "How to Build a Million
Dollar NEMT Business." In response to many changes in our growing industry
and demand from many client-providers, I put together this five (5) disc
series to help all of you who are either starting a new or seeking to
improve an existing NEMT business.
As we all know, the elderly population
is rapidly multiplying, going to double by the year 2030, and the medical
industry is becoming more dynamic with technological advancements and
growing in size and scope. Obviously, such growth and projections offer
increased opportunities for the medical transportation industry and other
support services.
I could spend considerable time
discussing the many benefits of our growing industry and the quality of
my material. But because you're here, seeking advanced training, strategies,
and techniques in this niche business, I'm going to be unorthodox and
assume you're already serious and are aware of the great opportunities.
Also, rather than bragging about
my experience, the number of client-providers I assist, the contracts
and acquisitions I've negotiated, etc., I'll let you read and watch many
of the client testimonials from around the country.
And trust me, I know there is a
lot of generic crap online - people suggesting all you need to do to be
successful in the NEMT industry is get insurance, pass out business cards,
etc. Needless to say, such laughable suggestions do nothing to educate
you on the industry so you can maximize market opportunity, teach you
how to build a legitimate brand to dominate your local market, position
you to secure profitable contracts and service agreements with facilities
or the government, help you discern what is and is not a quality broker
agreement, insulate you from tedious headaches that plague naпve and unsuspecting
providers, and much, much more.
If you're serious about learning
how to start your business incrementally, using a "Controlled Growth Strategy"
to protect your capital investment while increasing cash flow, then this
Series is exactly what you need.
If you're serious about growing
and scaling your business so you can leverage the efforts of many versus
operating perpetually as an independent operator, essentially owning your
own job, then this Series is critical for you!
If you're eager to learn how to
properly solicit and intertwine your services with facilities, hospitals,
healthcare complexes, and associated organizations so your business always
remains relevant and in demand, then this Series is a must!
….can you also be sure to share my appreciation
with Joel? All of his material has been incredible and valued well
beyond what I paid. He has completely changed the way I am approaching
this business and it would not have been possible without you guys.
Had I listened to others I can only image where I would be at and
how much money I would have wasted.Thank you Joel, Dan, and your
entire team.
I will see you guys at the Top!
Tyree Wilson
Again, I could go on and on discussing
the incredible crap and misguided advice we see. Seriously, my staff and
I literally spend half our time playing "clean up duty" for client-providers
who either "go it alone" and try to figure out everything on their own
or they waste serious time, money, and effort following all of the generic
advice offered online. It's a catastrophe and complete waste of our time
and your money – especially if you've already signed "loser" contracts
or purchased the wrong vehicles and assets!
fact, before I go further in discussing "How to Build a Million Dollar
NEMT Business," let me share that with your investment in this video Series
I'm also going to include a FREE copy of "NEMT Business Evaluation Process,"
a literal recording from one of my live events where I discuss the criteria
I use in evaluating an NEMT business - typically for sale or acquisition.
I will even go so far as to equate
the "NEMT Business Evaluation Process" Series to "liquid gold" because
I literally explain and breakdown the criteria I use for valuating a business
when representing either a buyer or seller – the strengths, weaknesses,
weight of specific contracts and agreement, assets, financials, and more.
Also, in speaking of freebies, I will also be including a FREE copy of
my best-selling ebook, How
to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company, and Dispatching
for Dollars. You can download these items immediately following your
You will definitely want to start
by studying my ebooks prior to watching my videos. "How to Build a Million
Dollar Medical Transportation Company" is the foundational "nuts and bolts"
for learning the different systems, policies, and procedures you need
to build and integrate into your business. "Dispatching for Dollars" demonstrates
the art of effective and efficient dispatching.
In studying my video Series, we do
not cover the same foundational material covered in my ebooks. Rather,
we go into greater detail discussing tactics you want to employ to position
your business, solicit and connect with potential customers and facilities,
and much more.
Good evening Mr. Davis,
Thank you very much for all the information you have provided in
your ebook and your videos too. I really enjoyed reading your ebook
and listening to your videos. I would like to learn more from you
and hear your valuable advices and learn more from your experiences.
I have finished reading your ebook and watched your 5 videos and look
forward to the next step!
Raouf Srafen
Note: Some providers start by purchasing
my ebooks because they're not comfortable investing the increased amount
in my video Series. That is not a problem, but there will not be a discount
on my videos if you have already invested in my ebooks. To save as much
money as possible and get the freebies you will want to invest in my videos
with the associated ebooks.
Again, in being unorthodox, I am
assuming you are already serious and are aware of the growing opportunities
in our industry, so I don't need to waste your time trying to "sell you."
Rather, let me tell you who these Series and my associated information
is NOT for:
 Whether you are new or experienced in the NEMT
industry, if you think you "know it all" and already have all the answers,
this information is definitely not for you. Learning is a never-ending
journey, and if you are not humbled enough to consider you might have
more to learn, then investing in my material would be a waste of your
time and money

If you are currently an owner operator and plan
on remaining an owner operator, maybe driving for Uber, Lyft, or other
contractor/rideshare service, you definitely want to avoid my material.
Serving as an owner operator is NOT owning your own business – it's
owning your own job! My material is designed to teach you how to grow,
scale, and multiply your business so you are a legitimate business owner
versus owning your own job

If you're adamant you're going to simply start
your business operating your own sedan handing out business cards, then
please, refrain from investing your money and/or enlisting my help.
So many people operate a sedan or minivan and think they are an NEMT
provider because they take some elderly ambulatory people to doctors
appointments. NO! Being a legitimate NEMT provider means you are, as
a minimum, wheelchair accessible, possibly stretcher accessible depending
on your state, and you are going to position yourself to pursue legitimate
contracts and service agreements.

If you're adamant on building your business to
be 100% dependent on Medicaid, then my material will not serve you well.
I understand the attraction to "guaranteed government money." Everyone
thinks Medicaid and/or broker work is the "Holy Grail." But trust me,
it's not. I refer to it as "low hanging fruit" because, essentially,
anyone can get. So, there is nothing providential about it. My goal
is for you to build a diverse and dynamic business with multiple sources
of revenue and clientele.
OPTION ONE – ONLY $497.95 plus shipping and handling
If you prefer to study on your own, click the link
below to invest in "How to Build a Million Dollar NEMT Business." Remember,
you'll receive a FREE copy of my second video Series, "NEMT Business Evaluation
Process." Study both Series before investing money in any assets and definitely
before signing any Agreements!
After making your investment you'll receive FREE
copies of my ebooks. Start studying them while you await your videos which
will ship via priority mail with the US Postal Service.
OPTION TWO – 60 days of private coaching with
If you prefer to enlist my personal
help and assistance in building your business, then I encourage you to
consider my exclusive one-on-one coaching opportunity. Private coaching
is, obviously, limited and more expensive as you are investing in my personal
time. But should you choose one-on-one coaching you will receive FREE
copies of my video Series and ebooks. You will want to study all of this
material and, when done, contact my office. We will forward to you a questionnaire
for me to learn more about your start point.
Note, our 60 days of one-on-one
coaching will NOT start until you and I actually start work together –
typically towards the beginning of the month. So, don't worry, you won't
be under a rush to study everything all at once.
Again, congratulations on moving
forward in pursuing your entrepreneurial spirit and building your own
NEMT business. I encourage you to read and watch some of the many testimonials
on our sites and YouTube channels.
If you're ready to start studying
on your own, then invest in this Series with all the associated freebies.
If you prefer my personal help and assistance, then make your reservation
for one-on-one coaching and let's get started.
My entire team and I look forward
to working with you!
See you at the Top!
Joel E.
Founder, the United Medical
Transportation Providers Group